Rain is usually welcome in our water-scarce country but moving day is an exception.
Unfortunately, wherever you live in South Africa, you can’t predict if it will rain on your moving day. The best way to avoid wet or soggy belongings is to prepare.
These 11 tips for moving in the rain will mean you’re ready for the wettest weather.
1. Choose a company with closed trucks
Book a moving company that has completely enclosed and weatherproof trucks.
2. Cover items in plastic wrapping
Wrap sensitive items in plastic wrap and use plastic furniture covers and mattress bags. Don’t leave items wrapped in plastic long-term because condensation or mould might form.
3. Waterproof your boxes
If you already have cardboard boxes but rain is forecast, these methods will show you how to waterproof your boxes.
4. Use plastic moving boxes
Plastic moving boxes with a well-fitted lid are completely weatherproof. They’re the ideal alternative to cardboard if you’re worried about wet weather on moving day.
5. Keep rolls of black bags on hand
A few rolls of black bags come in handy for last-minute waterproofing. They can be used afterwards, so won’t go to waste.
6. Try to arrive at your new home before the movers
Arriving ahead of the moving truck will help you prepare your new home for potentially wet items and muddy shoes. Lay down flat cardboard boxes or old towels to protect the floor and prevent slipping.
7. Create a packing and unpacking plan
Create a packing plan so that moisture-sensitive items are easy to identify and can be moved quickly. Try to wait for a gap in the weather or lighter rain to move these items.
8. Move electronics in your own vehicle
Very moisture-sensitive electronics like laptops and gaming consoles are better protected in your car. You can ensure they’re kept completely dry.
9. Use a gazebo or umbrella
Packing the moving truck will take some time. If you can, set up a gazebo or large umbrella outside the truck to help protect items as they’re being loaded.
10. Unpack certain items immediately
Water-sensitive items that may have been rained on should be unpacked or unwrapped as soon as possible. Make sure everything is dry and place these items in a warm, dry area just in case.
11. Take time to warm up and destress
Moving in the rain adds extra stress to your moving day. Once everything is safe and dry, take the time to warm up, rest and have a cup of tea before tackling the unpacking.
Rainy-day moving essentials from Ecobox
Ecobox’s online store stocks a range of plastic covers, bags and wraps to protect your belongings in case you end up moving in the rain. We also offer:
- cardboard boxes in a wide range of sizes
- a full range of packing materials
- eco-friendly, plastic moving boxes for rent
- convenient office move kits.
Visit one of our retail locations to get the office moving supplies you need, or simply order online and we’ll deliver to your door.
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